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Matriket Midt | 20.12.19

Trondheim og Trøndelag blir Europas gastronomi-region i 2022

Trondheim og Trøndelag kan endelig slippe jubelen løs med status som European Region of Gastronomy i 2022. Den offisielle overrekkelsen skjedde under Trøndelagsmøtet 10. januar 2020

President i IGCAT, Dr Diane Dodd, var i Trondheim 10. januar for å overlevere det synlige beviset på tittelen European Region of Gastronomy 2022 til Trondheim-Trøndelag. Den ble mottatt av Trøndelag fylkeskommune ved Kirsten I Værdal, direktør for næring og utvikling, og kommunedirektør Morten Wolden i Trondheim kommune. 

Gjennom et intervju på scenen under Trøndelagsmøtet, ble tittelen beskrevet og presentert til et vidt spekter av næringsliv og politikere fra regionen. 

- Jeg er veldig stolt, sa Morten Wolden. - Jeg er stolt av arbeidet som er gjort på dette området de siste 15-20 årene. Det har vært en fantastisk vekst i akvakultur som har stor betydning. Samtidig har vi innovative samfunn på Innherred, Røros og Namdalen. For dette arbeidet med European Region of Gastronomy, har vi hårete mål. Men de må være hårete, og vi er nødt til å tro på dem. Mat og matproduksjon er et område hvor vi har det største potensialet til å samle urban og rural aktivitet. 

- Det har vært litt av en reise, som vi nesten ikke kan beskrive, sa Kirsten I Værdal. - Vår region er dyktig på både små håndverksprodusenter, og stor volumproduksjon. Disse er nå store og viktige bedrifter som skaper verdier verdt milliarder. Vi tar et stort steg videre nå, og det er et viktig steg. 

Og tittelen forplikter, er begge enige om. - Vi må starte med å snakke med en bred forsamling av aktører, og hele regionen må være en del av dette. Vi hadde ikke fått det til uten Visit Trondheim og Oi! Trøndersk Mat og Drikke. Nå er vi ivrige etter å involvere flere og beskrive aktiviteten for tida som kommer, konkluderer begge. 

Dr Diane Dodd fra IGCAT (midten) med Jens Storli fra Visit Trondheim og Kristine Rise fra Oi! Trøndersk Mat og Drikke

General comments from the jury:
The Jury was impressed with the gastronomic strengths of the region and the dedication to sustainability, and the work already undertaken in the Trondheim - Trøndelag region in this regard.  

The Jury was particularly impressed that the region is already a long way along the journey with the commitment to the Food Manifesto and the Food Festival which is already connecting the urban and rural products, enterprises and consumers building a sustainable economy. We strongly believe that a continued strong cooperation in all levels and entities is a key to success. 

We are also impressed by the interest of a wide range of stakeholders willing to take part and we would recommend further collaboration between the different sectors.

The bid:
- clearly integrates the different focus areas of the European Region of Gastronomy very well;
- presents a long-term strategy and therefore is more likely to provide a lasting legacy for the region;
- shows a strong commitment from the partners to the programme.
The Jury acknowledges the
- ethos and high quality of food production in the Trondheim - Trøndelag region;
- pride and passion that everyone we have met shows in their appreciation of the land and the waters, the green and blue economy.
The Trondheim - Trøndelag region´s expertise in many aspects of sustainability has been noted and we have already begun conversations with the stakeholders concerned to connect them with the European Platform, thus raising the Trondheim - Trøndelag region´s profile internationally.
We strongly believe that the title, used appropriately, will help the Trondheim - Trøndelag   region in its quest to become world-renowned as the home of Nordic flavours and elevate the status of the region in terms of gastronomy, sustainable tourism, food education and quality food supply. 

The International Jury

The Jury is drawn from IGCAT international experts and founding members of the European Region of Gastronomy Platform. For the 2022 selection, the Jury members are:

Dr Edith M Szivas, Head of Jury, Vice-President of IGCAT and expert on sustainable tourism development 
Jesper Borg Christensen from Aarhus-Central Denmark Region, Awarded 2017, expert in food and gastronomy business development
Heidi Lazani from South Aegean Region, Awarded 2019 and expert in communications and community integration
Ilona Sares, from Kuopio Region 2020, expert in agrifood business development.

The European Region of Gastronomy Award
The European Region of Gastronomy award concept was developed by IGCAT experts and has been endorsed by various European Institutions.  The European Region of Gastronomy programme aims to use food and gastronomy as a means to empower communities and secure sustainable economic and environmental futures. As a member of a growing Platform of Regions of Gastronomy, the regions commit to share and learn in areas of innovation, sustainability and cross-sectorial working. The European Region of Gastronomy title is awarded to regions as a stimulus to link food, hospitality, tourism, culture, arts, health and sustainability and to support economic, cultural, social and environmental development.
The European Region of Gastronomy Programme aims to:
showcase regional gastronomy at European level
build regional identity by giving visibility to traditional food ways
support local economies by stimulating public and private sector funding potential
create strong links between sustainable tourism and cultural sectors
provide a focus on innovation, creativity and learning to support smart growth
develop awareness on wider food issues for healthy living and sustainability
The International Institute of Gastronomy, Culture, Arts and Tourism (IGCAT) is the operative institute that oversees the management and coordination of the Platform and gives the European Region of Gastronomy Award, following the recommendation from an international panel of judges.
